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For nearly twenty years Dr. Chestnut has been one of the most respected and sought-after speakers in the world on the topics of evidence-based chiropractic, neuromusculoskeletal neurophysiology, and evidence-based lifestyle.

Dr. Chestnut, as anyone who has heard him lecture or read his books and articles knows, has a unique ability to both understand and critique research, and to summarize it in ways that are understandable and relevant for clinicians, patients, and the lay-public.

The combination of Dr. Chestnut’s formal teacher training (B.Ed), his Master of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology with a specialization in neuromuscular adaptation, (M.Sc.) his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree (DC) , his writing (peer-reviewed journal articles, articles in professional publications, and published books) and lecturing experience, give him the unique ability to make the basic science understandable and the research accessible and clinically relevant.

In the sections below, you will learn about the Certification seminars conducted in partnership with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA); the highly practical and valuable Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Protocols Implementation seminars conducted by The Wellness Practice; any speaking engagements that Dr. Chestnut has agreed to on behalf of associations or organizations; and any webinars that are scheduled or available in the archives.


Success Story

"After attending the first evidence-based protocol seminar in Chicago over 2 years ago, it convinced me to move into a standard of care that is backed with current literature.

I've gained not only more confidence in my abilities and care; but it's helped me to stay congruent with everything that helps our practice members in terms of the whole chiropractic story and lifestyle."

Dr. Trent Hippard, U.S.A.


For nearly twenty years Dr. Chestnut has been one of the most respected and sought-after speakers in the world on the topics of evidence-based chiropractic, neuromusculoskeletal neurophysiology, and evidence-based lifestyle.

Dr. Chestnut, as anyone who has heard him lecture or read his books and articles knows, has a unique ability to both understand and critique research, and to summarize it in ways that are understandable and relevant for clinicians, patients, and the lay-public.

The combination of Dr. Chestnut’s formal teacher training (B.Ed), his Master of Science Degree in Exercise Physiology with a specialization in neuromuscular adaptation, (M.Sc.) his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree (DC) , his writing (peer-reviewed journal articles, articles in professional publications, and published books) and lecturing experience, give him the unique ability to make the basic science understandable and the research accessible and clinically relevant.

In the sections below, you will learn about the Certification seminars conducted in partnership with the International Chiropractors Association (ICA); the highly practical and valuable Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Protocols Implementation seminars conducted by The Wellness Practice; any speaking engagements that Dr. Chestnut has agreed to on behalf of associations or organizations; and any webinars that are scheduled or available in the archives.


Dr. Chestnut’s
Speaking Engagements
Chiropractic and Wellness Lifestyle Certification Seminars
Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Protocols Implementation Seminars
Online Seminars
Free Webinars and Videos

Dr. Chestnut’s
Speaking Engagements

Dr. Chestnut has spoken in dozens of countries, on almost every continent. He has taught, and guest lectured at universities, chiropractic colleges, and medical schools; presented research at physiology, education, chiropractic, health insurance, and lifestyle conferences; conducted corporate and community lifestyle workshops; read and critiqued thousands of articles; and published in basic science and chiropractic journals.

Click on "MORE INFO" to see his complete speaking schedule in chronological order. This list shows all seminars including those hosted by The Wellness Practice as well as third party seminars such as association annual meetings and trade conventions.

Chiropractic and Wellness Lifestyle Certification Seminars

This pioneering and popular seminar series, developed and taught since 2005 by Dr. James L. Chestnut B.Ed., M.Sc., D.C., C.C.L.P., provides a special opportunity to add vital clinical research knowledge, insights, tools, and implementation strategies for improving patient care, patient outcomes, and practice success.

Each program module provides credit towards the required prerequisites for certification as an Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Practitioner through the ICA Council on Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle, of which Dr. Chestnut is the President.

The newly updated and revised Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Certification Program curriculum is presented via one on-site basic science and clinical implementation module covering all four on-line topics (Evidence-Based Chiropractic, Evidence-Based Clinical Nutrition, Evidence-Based Exercise and Physical Fitness, and Evidence-Based Psychological Fitness), four topic-targeted on-line seminars, four corresponding home-study coursework assignments, and a required on-line final exam.

Evidence-Based Chiropractic and Lifestyle Protocols Implementation Seminars



Dr. Chestnut has used the evidence to create clinical protocols that save you time, improve patient education and retention, improve patient outcomes, increase patient referrals, and increase practice enjoyment and success – for patients, staff, and doctors!

Like nobody else has done, or could do, Dr. Chestnut has successfully married science, ethics, clinical excellence, and phenomenal practice success into an evidence-based, universal, easy, sustainable, enjoyable, clinically effective patient management system. The results, for both patients and doctors, have been extraordinary and unprecedented!

Your exams, reports, patient education, and practice will become MORE EFFICIENT, MORE EFFECTIVE, and MORE SUCCESSFUL – GUARANTEED!

Online Seminars

You have asked for this - and we have delivered!

Now you can experience the confidence-inspiring and practice building power of Dr. Chestnut's seminars - all in the comfort of your home or office.

Free Webinars and Videos

Dr. Chestnut has decided to host a series of educational webinars based on various topics. Please click on the "MORE INFO" button to see a complete list of upcoming webinars.